Completed four more skill badges on qwiklabs, this time as a part of Qwiklabs' Diwali event, #QwiklabsDiwali from 13th - 16th of November, 2020
Together with this, I have successfully completed a total of 14 #skillbadges #GoogleCloudBadge and several other #questbadges on qwiklabs as a part of improving my skill on #GoogleCloudPlatform
Here is the link to all the quest and skill badges that I have connected over the past few month including the ones achieved during this #QwiklabsDiwali event
Event Link :
Have a happy and healhy Diwali to everyone!
And a Happy Learning ! ! !
#dscvast #arjunraghunandanan #googlecloud #qwiklabs #GoogleCloudBadge #QwiklabsDiwali #gcp #gcpcloud #cloudcomputingservices